utility function


Let OO be a set of outcomes and let \succsim be a complete, reflexive, and transitive preference relation over OO. A function u:Ou : O \to \mathbb{R} is called a utility function representing \succsim if for all x,yOx, y \in O, xyu(x)u(y)x \succsim y \iff u(x) \geq u(y)

Definition (lotteries)

Let i\succsim_i be a preference relation for player ii over the set of lotteries \mathcal{L}. A utility function uiu_i representing the preferences of player ii is a real-valued function defined over \mathcal{L} satisfying ui(L1)ui(L2)L1iL2L1,L2u_i(L_1) \geq u_i(L_2) \iff L_1 \succsim_i L_2 \quad \forall L_1, L_2 \in \mathcal{L}


Utility function uu is a function associating each outcome xx with a real number u(x)u(x) in a way such that the more an outcome is preferred, the larger the real number associated with it.

If the set of outcomes is finite, any complete, reflexive, and transivite preference relation can be easily represented by a utility function.

See also


  1. M. Maschler, E. Solan, and Shmuel Zamir, Game Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2013, p. 11.
  2. https://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/games/games_6.html